Enterprise Asset Management Software
The #1 EAM Software for those in the field service industry. Ready to stop wasting time in your workflow? Are you frustrated with out of date systems that are holding you back? Book a demo today and discover what FieldInsight can do for your business.

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What is Enterprise Asset Management Software?
Enterprise asset management (EAM) software is primarily used to control and streamline the use of assets and their data for field service businesses. EAM also uses tools to assist in asset tracking and the performance of their organization’s physical assets.
Typically maintenance processes for business in the field service industry consist of manual or paper based systems that can be time consuming and frustrating. Enterprise asset management focuses on the reduction of time consuming systems and uses software and services to improve asset life cycles and performance.
EAM software also focuses on gathering and analysing asset data. With maintenance management systems, you can gain insight that will help make better and more informed decisions and ensure high performance from your physical assets.

Top Features of Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)
- Asset tracking
- Asset records and history
- Asset maintenance management
- Supply chain management
- Track Inventory management
- Preventive maintenance schedules
- Facility management
- Safety and regulatory compliance monitoring
- Organisation of your maintenance teams
- Mobility for both the office and the field
- Cloud based accessibility
- Work management
- Track performance to boost equipment life
- Easy to use and intuitive interface
- Analyse and collect asset data

IS EAM and CMMS Software The Same Thing?
While an enterprise asset management system and a Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) have a few things in common, they hold a few key differences.
CMMS has key pillars in maintenance while typically EAM will include several business operations or functions. CMMS is a smaller function compared to EAM. CMMS will use asset tracking software to monitor the performance of an asset once it has been installed, however EAM will begin to track the asset from the start of the design process.
One of the key differences between CMMS systems and EAM is the fact that while most EAM systems will have components of CMMS, not all CMMS systems have EAM features or capabilities. EAM is typically a more coherent and complex software that can be better suited to larger companies. Depending on the size and facilities of a business, they will typically start with a CMMS software and upgrade to a EAM as they grow.
EAM systems will typically include more advanced analytics on asset information, asset performance, managing assets and maintenance operations. EAM and CMMS can also be differentiated by who implements them. Most EAM will be used by technicians, accounting departments, budgeting teams, compliance managers and operational heads. CMMS on the other hand, is more typically only used by technicians, maintenance teams or site operators.

Are You Tired of Wasting Valuable Time In Your Workflow?
With the right asset management solution in your business, you can easily cut back on wasted time and boost your asset performance and productivity. Have you ever found that because you didn’t have the right information on hand, your technicians have wasted field time or missed a defect? Did you know that on average for the field service industry a person will waste up to 40 minutes a day trying to search for the information they need?
The value of EAM and CMMS systems lay in their centralised database and streamlined systems. With the right software solution, you will find wasted time will be a thing of the past and productivity comes naturally.

Asset Management Features
Some of the most important benefits of a great EAM system include:
- Centralised database: For the who, where and how of your assets, you need a centralised database that is easily accessible for your asset management team at any given time. As a CMMS feature in your EAM software, a centralised database can automate your maintenance process and ensure you have the right information on hand.
- Catching defects: When you have information on your asset’s performance in the field, you can easily pick up on lowered performance or the presence of defects. Asset management in your EAM system is vital in catching defects before they can cause long term damage to your physical assets.
- The ability to work smarter not harder: With enterprise asset management you will gain visibility over your assets and maintenance details in real time. Through cloud based systems, you can connect your office and field seamlessly to create a streamlined system built for maintenance professionals.
Control maintenance management: preventive maintenance and regular servicing is a vital tool to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your assets. When you have a great system in place, you can add checklists, safety tests and replacement requirements into your workflow.

Your Perfect EAM Software Solution
Modern maintenance systems have evolved quickly in the last few decades, leaving paper based systems and out of date software behind. With asset intensive software and systems, you can create a maintenance connection in your business that can easily track and collect data from the field.
Take full control over your enterprise assets with a great software solution. To control everything from preventive maintenance to reporting in the field, FieldInsight has the all-in-one solution you need.
FieldInsight’s E2E (end-to-end) software solution uses automation to control maintenance operations and track asset data. With the ability to have all your information at your fingertips with FieldInsight, you can maximize your asset performance and keep your customers happy.
See how FieldInsight stands up against job management software in the market:
To learn more about FieldInsight Job Management Software contact one of our product specialists today to discuss your business plans. If you are looking to see first hand what great software can do for your business, book a demo today and get your business on the right track.
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