10 Benefits of Field Service Management Software

The field service industry has no shortage of paperwork and admin tasks when it comes to managing your business. Juggling scheduling field technicians, customer satisfaction, inventory management, employee productivity, work order management, operational costs, and more – can be a headache for service managers who don’t have great software solutions in place.
Unfortunately, most customers will have a story or two to tell about a bad field service experience. When you have a business that is out of sync, bad customer experiences will be as common as a tired HVAC unit in the middle of summer.
With a field service management (FSM software), you gain the advantage of automation to reduce your manual processes like double data entry and allow you to spend more time on what really matters in your workforce.
Here are the top benefits of having a field service software in your business:
1.Optimized Company Operations
Spending 10+ hours every week trying to organise your company is not productive to your workflow- let’s face it, your time could be spent better elsewhere.
With a field service management software you can optimize your service operations with access to real time solutions. With the ability to optimize your field service business, you can gain more visibility over all your workforce operations. No more unpaid bills, unhappy customers or quotes that you forgot to chase up- with FSM software, you can easily manage your business and welcome more organisation into your workflow.
How FieldInsight can help you: Job management
The benefits of using field service management software like FieldInsight mean that you can say goodbye to double data entry. FieldInsight helps you to streamline your workflow to improve visibility over both your office and field. There will be no more bad customer service experiences when you have great FSM software at your disposal.
2.Reduced workflow costs
When you find that all your information is in the one place, you will save workflow costs such as over-ordering, timesheet discrepancies, wasted admin time, and budget mistakes. With field service software, you can better manage your costs by having more visibility over all your operations.
When you have a field service management software, all your quotes, invoices, asset history and customer data can be accessed from anywhere.
In business, one of your main aspirations is to have a good ROI or return on investment. When you can reduce your daily operational costs, you can help make your ROI more positive. The advantage of having easily accessible information is that you can better predict your future costs.
How FieldInsight can help you: Project management
With project management software, you can easily predict trends in your workflow and lower your operational costs to achieve a higher ROI.
You will find that when you have great project management, your workflow costs will be reduced so you have the freedom to spend your time and money on growing your business, rather than struggling to keep it afloat.
3.Improve Customer Experience
One of the most effective ways to grow your business is by having a great base of customers. However when you don’t have the right services in place, you will find you spend more time putting out fires than you do getting recommendations by your customers.
Integrating your customer experience with your FSM software allows you to keep your customer in the loop. When you have a busy work week, you want to have the assurance that your customers know when a technician will be at their house or job site. With a field service software you can send updates and reminders to your customers automatically – No more angry calls about missed service appointments again.
How FieldInsight can help you: CRM management
CRM or customer relationship management software helps you to easily search for your customer information, manage multiple job sites and easily send reports in just a click.
Taking care of your customers is vital in the field service industry. For your best chance to increase repeat work and customer recommendations or reviews- you need to have a great CRM software in place.
4. Easy Scheduling & Dispatching
Everyone knows that scheduling can be a nightmare- especially when you have to manage multiple sites, complete lengthy forms, juggle technicians with varying skill levels and track timesheets. With scheduling software you can simply assign your jobs to dates and technicians with drag and drop features – no more paper diary and whiteboards to keep track.
You will find that when you have more precision in your scheduling and dispatching, you can improve on your service instructions in the field. When you have your whole team on track, you can significantly reduce your chance of making mistakes.
How FieldInsight can help you: Timesheet management
With FieldInsight’s timesheet management software, you can easily keep track of your technicians’ hours when in the field. When you have simplified timesheet management, you can eliminate tiresome paper based systems, easily review and approve hours against jobs and track any RDOs and leave requests.
5. Accurate Data
If everything else fails in your business, you at least need to have accurate data. Everyone makes mistakes at times- mistakes a 7 for a 9 on paperwork, loses a notepad with important notes, or writes down the wrong address before you leave the office. But, you can easily reduce your chance of making mistakes by having a software field service management solution.
With a field service management software, you reduce the need for paper based systems in your workflow. A FSM software will help you gain more accessible and accurate data for your team.
FSM software can help your field service technicians by giving them access to inventory management, work orders and asset details from the use of their mobile devices – making accurate information accessible from anywhere.
6. Streamline resources
With a field service management you gain more visibility and clarity over your business so you can best streamline your resources and keep everyone on the same page. With a manual dispatch system you waste valuable time every day that can be better spent on growing your business. With a field service management software you can streamline your dispatch process and automate your workflow to best utilise your time.
7. Access data instantly
No more searching through filing cabinets or hundreds of folders on your computer to find the right information you need. With a field service management system you can instantly search for your data and have all you need in the one place.
This is extremely useful in cases of customer history and asset data to ensure that you can best track and manage your projects. No one wants to lose valuable data that could help you better predict future asset trends for your customers. Instant information is just another way that field service software can save you time.
8. Track items and equipment
A field service management software of FSM can help you keep better track of your parts and equipment too. If your tech has just completed an install or maintenance job, they can update how many parts they used so you have a more accurate inventory of your warehouse items. No one wants to have inaccurate inventory data, it only leads to understocking, overstocking, and overall a waste of resources.
9. Fast invoicing
Usually invoicing can take hours or even days to organise and send out to your client after you have finished the job, or you might even do bulk invoicing once a week or fortnight. If that is the case you are wasting time and drawing out your payment process. With a FSM you can instantly trigger your invoices to go out after you have completed a job, making for a quicker invoice payment return time and a lot less paperwork for yourself.
10. Efficiently schedule emergency jobs
When you get a call from a customer that needs to be booked ASAP, you don’t want to have to manually call up all of your techs and see if they have the time, this leads to hours of wasted time. With a FSM you can easily view your calendar, see what jobs you techs have or haven’t competed for the day and schedule in your emergency job with just a few clicks. With a map planner in your field service management software, you can easily see who is the closest to the job and reduce travel time for all of your team with better job allocation.
How FieldInsight can help you: Asset management
When it comes to asset management, accuracy is vital. The wrong part number or checklist in the field can set you back weeks of work due to mistakes in the field and can even cost you customers.
With an asset management system in your business, you can gain more clarity over your job statuses and assets. Your service technicians can simply use their mobile devices and have instant access to asset management details in real time. For both your field employees and office staff, accurate information can boost your communication and productivity.
What Makes FieldInsight Different?
Do you struggle to meet business goals? Are you lacking productivity in your workforce? Does tracking your jobs feel as painful as pulling a tooth?
FieldInsight makes workflow management easy – and pain free. With easy optimization of the five primary automations, plus a whole lot more, FieldInsight has an End-to-End solution that makes it stand out from the crowd.
FieldInsight has features varying from field management, work order management, heavy equipment maintenance solutions, customer data collection, GPS tracking, SWMS management and facility maintenance management. With FieldInsight, improving your ROI is easy- especially when automation can help do the heavy lifting for you.
The level of flexibility with FieldInsight allows you to choose how your software works. You can pick and choose what features you want to include as well as easily update team member’s roles within the software.
Whether you are tracking service calls in the field or scheduling equipment maintenance, FieldInsight helps you to be efficient- all you need is only ever a few clicks away!
Want to compare FieldInsight in more depth? Check out our software comparison: FieldInsight Compare Software Comparisons.
Ready to learn more about what potential your business has? Check out our workflow sessions or book a demo today. Field service software can help you better achieve your business goals- but you need to make the first step – give us a call or click the message icon to learn more.
What You Should Do Now
- Book a Demo. You’ll be in touch with an automation expert who has worked in this space for over 5 years, and knows the optimal workflow to address your needs.
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